NSRP/SNAME Ship Production Panels are co-sponsoring a free workshop and presentations on Shipbuilding Accuracy Control to be held Aug. 21-23 at the Washington Athletic Club in downtown Seattle. Speakers from the NSRP Accuracy Control Implementation Manual project will lead the workshop and speakers from Boeing and Kenworth will join others from the shipbuilding
industry to present information related to accuracy control. In addition, plant tours of Boeing and Genie Industries are planned to give participants insight into production practices at Boeing and lean implementations at Genie. Hotel and agenda information are posted on the Shipyard Production Process Technologies Panel and Systems Technologies Panel pages at www.USAshipbuilding.com.
The Advanced Fabrication Technology Workhops
The NSRP/SNAME Ship Production Welding Panel is sponsoring workshops on Advanced Fabrication Technology to be held Aug. 21-22 at the Caterpillar Technical Center near Peoria, Ill. Agenda and hotel information are posted
on the Welding Panel pages at www.USAshipbuilding.com.