President Obama's BD Message to the Coast Guard
Coincidentally the USCG and President Obama share August 4, as their joint birthdays: the President is 53 while the Coast Guard is 223 years old on this day. An extract from the message is as follows:
"I send greetings to all those celebrating the 223rd birthday of the United States Coast Guard on August 4.
America's story is one that has been written during times of challenge and change, and dating back to the earliest days of our Union, members of the US Coat Guard have been some of its most revered authors. From securing our homeland and protecting our shores to aiding our people in the wake of tragedies, this unique branch of our Armed Forces holds a sacred place in the life of our Nation.
... On behalf of a grateful Nation, I salute the United States Coast Guard on 223 years of service. May God bless and protect you and your loved ones, and may God bless the United States of America"