Direct access to the internet from ships at sea can be costly. BIMCO has developed a solution to this problem. BIMCO has transferred a number of its databases from the BIMCO Website into a CD-ROM for use on board ships.
The BIMCO Vessel CD-ROM 2002 provides senior officers at sea with BIMCO information and databases already available to shore-based staff with access to the Internet.
The CD-ROM is easy to install on any PC on board and contains extensive information on:
World Ports
Reception Facilities
Repair Facilities
Bulk Terminal Reports
Holidays and Working Hours
Navigation and Communication, including Global
Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) Requirements
Winter Navigation and Ice
Warranties Limits
Load Line Zones
Trading Restrictions
Ship Security
Future International Maritime Organization (IMO)
IMO Circulars and Guidance Documents
European Union Maritime Issues
Inspection and Port State Control (PSC)
Marine Pollution Act (MARPOL) Issues
Garbage Management
Quality Assurance and Safety Management, including
an overview of:
- Risk Management,
- International Standardisation
Organisation (ISO) 9000 Requirements, and
- International Safety Management Code
BIMCO Reporting forms
Standards for Training Certification and Watchkeeping
Convention (STCW95) Guidance
Flag Related Issues
In addition, the BIMCO Vessel CD-ROM 2002 includes details of the various IMO conventions to which each flag is a signatory, as well as information on flag state requirements for crews, including language skills and certification. Countries with restrictions against certain flags are also indicated.
System requirements:
Pentium Processor >= 100 MHz
CD-ROM Drive
Screen with Super VGA resolution (600 x 800)
Windows 95 or later
Microsoft Internet Explorer version 5.x or later
(not included on the CD-ROM)
The BIMCO Vessel CD-ROM 2002 is available exclusively to BIMCO owner-members
at a price of DKK 680 (USD 83.00) per disc with quantity discounts of
between 10-50 percent available for bulk orders. BIMCO has also introduced
a subscription service for its Vessel CD-ROM 2002 in order to despatch the Vessel CD-ROM in conjunction with the annual update of all the databases.