Confirming a press report in a trade publication earlier, Hornbeck Offshore Services, Inc. announced that the Company was not responsible for the oil spill that occurred earlier this week into the waters of Arthur Kill near Perth Amboy, New Jersey. According to the United States Coast Guard, the terminal has assumed responsibility for cleaning the spill and has contracted Clean Harbors and Atlantic Response to help with the cleanup.
Carl Annessa, Hornbeck Offshore's Chief Operating Officer, stated, "There is currently an ongoing investigation by the controlling authorities into this incident with which Hornbeck Offshore is fully cooperating as a witness. One of our double-hulled tank barges, the Energy 8001, was present at the terminal at the time of the spill. However, the Company has been advised that it is not a target of the investigation. As a result, the Company does not expect this incident to have any effect on Hornbeck's financial condition or results of operations."