Students in grades K-12 are invited to participate in a North American art contest sponsored by the North American Marine Environment Protection Association (NAMEPA), the U.S. Coast Guard, and Sea Research Foundation. The theme of the contest is “Discover the Marine Industry.”
More than 90% of the world’s goods are transported by ships. In fact, ships are truly the “engines of globalization.” Transporting goods by sea is more environmentally friendly than moving goods the same distance by air or over land and help keep the cost of goods and energy low.
Students are asked to find a creative way to answer the following question: “How does the marine industry affect your everyday life?” The term “marine” refers to oceans, waterways and organisms that call these places home. “Industry” is what enables products we use every day to be transported all over the world.
Twelve entries (six from grades K-5 and six from grades 6-12) will be selected as finalists by March 31, 2015. Winners will be required to submit their original artwork upon being notified of their selection as finalists. The winning artwork will be featured on the NAMEPA, U.S. Coast Guard, and Sea Research Foundation websites. Finalists will receive a certificate and a calendar with the artwork from all 12 winners. Two grand-prize winning artists (one from each of the grade brackets) will be selected and will receive, in addition to the certificate and calendar, a $100 cash prize and a U.S. Coast Guard prize package.