Awards for Crowley at Workboat Show
During the recent Workboat Show, Crowley was recognized for its environmental initiatives, receiving second place for the Environmental Management Plan Award. The company was also awarded a Significant Boat of 2009 Award for the Nachik/Sesok.
The environmental award was developed to recognize businesses and government agencies operating in the U.S. maritime industry that have successfully incorporated environmentally sustainable practices into their operations. The awards committee was comprised of industry, environmental, regulatory and media representatives.
Crowley's environmental stewardship is exemplified by the industry certifications and numerous accolades it has received. Recent examples are Crowley's certification to the international standard ISO 14001 Environmental Management System; certification to the Articulated Tug barge (ATB) 650-3 by Lloyd's Register Group under its Green Passport program; and special recognition by several prestigious government organizations of Crowley's environmental stewardship - including the Chamber of Shipping of America, the U.S. Coast Guard's William Benkert award for environmental excellence, Washington Department of Ecology Exceptional Compliance Program and the Pacific States/British Columbia Oil Spill Task Fore Legacy Award.