Alert: NTVRP Interim Authorizations Expire 31, July 2014
The UK P&I Club notifies that the “Nontank Vessel Response Plans and Other Response Plan Requirements” (NTVRP) final rule required owners or operators of nontank vessels 400 gt and above to submit oil spill response plans for vessels operating on the navigable waters of the United States by 30th January 2014. In the meantime, the Coast Guard used an Interim Operating Authorization (IOA) process to assist vessel owners and operators to meet the
deadline and continue to operate, but this IOA will expire at the end of July.
The Club advises that if your non-tank vessels trade to the US and you do not already have an Approved Vessel Response Plan in place, you should contact your Qualified Individual/Plan Preparer as soon as possible to ensure your plan is approved prior to the 31st July 2014 deadline.
Vessel Response Plan compliance is covered in a specialist section of the Club's website:
Source: UK P&I Club