ISA launches the fifth ISA120 M/Y Illusion at the end of June and delivered it in mid-July. The black and white boat featuring darkened walnut highlighted with Lalique inlays stainless steel trim and beveled mirrors throughout the interior. Hull number five of the highly successful composite based ISA 120 series is a one hundred percent custom built project developed from a close cooperation throughout the design, build and up to delivery between the shipyard, the owner’s family (represented by Lady Green), architect Pietro Mingarelli, Alex Lees-Buckley of Camper & Nicholsons Monaco, and not least of all Captain Mark Wilkinson. Externally at first sight what differentiates Illusion, from her sister ships is the black stripe running the length of the hull encompassing the portholes along with the stainless steel strip at deck level. Once aboard it is evident that the external deck arrangements and furniture are quite unique. All the furnishings have been finished in dark stained teak stained complemented by stainless steel trim and fine fabrics. The main aft deck is finished in the same style again with dining for eight or cocktails at the high low table. The interior loose and built in joinery is in darkened ( almost black ) walnut with dominant highlights in Lalique inlays ( integrated into the furniture and backlit in the master and VIP ), stainless steel trim, beveled mirrors and fine leather ceilings throughout dining and coffee tables are glass topped with mirrored bases which give them the appearance of being transparent.