This is not the way that I prefer to launch into our year-end Great Ships edition, but unfortunately, It has happened again. On my early a.m. drive to work on Wednesday, November 20, the radio in my car was tuned to WBAB 102.3 FM, the “Roger & JP” show, which is a couple of stereotypical shock jocks better known for lockeroom humor than intelligent debate of world events. It was this unlikely duo that I first learned that the 81,589-dwt tanker Prestige had finally sunk. The maritime industry had hit the mainstream again, and not in a positive light. The disaster really hit the big time with the publication of the November 25 edition of the the Wall Street Journal. A page 1 article entitled “Clash of Politics, Economics Sealed a Tanker’s Fate” examines the Port of Safe Harbor rules, or lack thereof, and the likely effects it had in the loss of Prestige.
For those MR readers outside of the U.S., it is important to realize that, despite nearly 95,000 miles of coastline and navigable waterways, and despite its status as the world’s No. 1 trading nation, maritime industry awareness in the U.S. is generally confined to those living immediately on the coasts, rivers and lakes. Simply put, it is a subliminal part of the American psyche, until, of course, something goes wrong. But listening to the duo ramble on about the sight of seeing the huge ship break in half and sink, Roger or JP ... I have no idea which is which .. simply asked:
How does a ship break?
Despite the early hour and the absence of my first cup of coffee, my mind broke into “work mode” thinking of dozens of reasons as to why ship accidents and sinkings occur: Age, Cumulative effects of the sea; Poor maintenance practices/corrosion; Politics; Bad navigation/decision making; Engineering miscalculations ... the list goes on.
Despite my initial reation of “these guys have no clue about the marine business” and my self assurance that I could lead a reasonably lively debate on the matter, I found myself coming back to the same, simple question that the radio disc jockey posed:
How does a ship break?
Frankly, it is confounding. I am the first to defend the marine business as safe and efficient carriers of all types of cargo around the world. In the coming weeks, I will be deluged with myriad data and statistics regarding the incredibly high percentage of cargo that goes through, year in, year out, without incident. But, as in every walk of life, there are good owners and bad owners; safe operators and unsafe operators; reputable builders and scurrilous builders. But with the vast resources, spanning from the International Maritime Organization to the U.S. Coast Guard to the individual offices of every vessel owner, builder and naval architect and marine engineer, loss due to structural failure is simply unacceptable. Delivering a cargo safely following a perilous 5,000 miles journey is deemed boring, un-newsworthy, by the general media. But, a ship breaking in half and sinking; spilled cargo; oiled critters of every genus pulled dead and alive from the sea is dramatic, heartwrenching and very newsworthy, the perfect cue for lawmakers — small and large — to stand on the nearest soapbox and demand change. Ironically, on November 19, a truck rolled off of a ferry and into Long Island Sound, resulting in loss of life and injury. Roger or JP (which one, I don’t know) again asked “How does a truck roll off of a ferry?” I’ve taken that ferry, and I would also like to know.
How does a ship break?
If anyone knows, I invite you to chime in.