RINA New Environmental & Security Standards
Genova-based classification society RINA has introduced new voluntary standards which will allow ships to connect to shore-based electricity while in port, reducing harbour air pollution. And at the same session of its Technical Committee it approved a series of new standards aimed at improving security standards for yachts.
The new notation HVSC - High Voltage Shore Connection - sets standards to design into a newbuilding or modify an existing ship so that electricity can be supplied from the shore to the ship for the operation of the ship's machinery while in port. The diesel generators can be shut down, considerably reducing the ship's emissions.
The new notation “Secure Yacht Design” voluntarily applies the provisions of the ISPS Code to yachts designed for commercial use and pleasure yachts of any length, and sets new security standards for yacht owners, builders and designers based on specific equipment and security devices.
The annual session of the Technical Committee of Registro Italiano Navale was held yesterday under the chairmanship of Avv. Umberto Masucci, current Chairman of the Ship and Aircraft Brokers and Agents Fund (FAMA). It also approved the new “Green Plus” notation and a series of new notations for Condition-Based Monitoring of machinery.