Fincantieri's First Half 2012 Results Confirm Positive Strengths
First half year 2012 financial results confirm the Italian shipbuilder's positive operating performance
Highlighted in the report were:
• Profit from ordinary operations at euro 26 million (16 million at 30/6/11, +62.5%)
• EBITDA at euro 68 million (59 million at 30/6/2011, +15.2%) with 5.5%
• Revenues at euro 1,233 million (1,176 million at 30/6/11, +4.8%)
• Cash surplus of euro 909 million, versus euro 166 million at end 2011
• Order portfolio at euro 7,069 million (7,920 million at 30/6/11)
Giuseppe Bono, Fincantieri Chief Executive Officer, commented: "We are pleased with these results, giving cause for optimism to the company and its employees. The ongoing reorganization process, initiated thanks to an agreement with the unions and the government, is proving its worth. The acquisition of the latest orders from Viking Ocean Cruises and Société des traversiers du Quebec also testify to the foresight of company policies, aimed at seeking new customers and new markets with exceptionally innovative products."