Greater Access to INTERTANKO Database
Access to INTERTANKO's Terminal Vetting Database (TVD) is now available to those who are tanker owners/operators, terminal owners/operators, PSC authorities and others with a legitimate interest in improving safety, but who are not Members or Associate Members of the Association.
Access to the TVD continues to remain free of charge, although access still requires agreement and compliance with the TVD's terms and conditions of use. We believe that such broadened access to the TVD will be to the benefit of all with an active interest in improving the safety of the vessel at the ship shore interface.
INTERTANKO established its Terminal Vetting Database (TVD) in 2004 when, together with a group of INTERTANKO members, INTERTANKO completed the test phase of a terminal vetting pilot project and created a database which could accommodate reports on tanker terminals world-wide for the benefit of its Members and Associate Members.
Historically, access to the TVD had been restricted to INTERTANKO members and associate members. However in view of the demands by many in the industry for access, and following an internal review by INTERTANKO's Vetting Committee's TVD working Group (chaired by Captain John Hill of Heidmar Inc), the TVD is now more widely available.
The TVD had a recent upgrade in its format making its operating style similar to the SIRE and CDI systems, so that if a ship reports a poor rating (a score of two or less out five) for any of the 12 scored items:
- the terminal is automatically notified and asked to directly address that item and to provide "terminal comments" within 30 days for entry into the TVD
- a "low score alert" is sent to INTERTANKO and to the chairman of the TVD working group.