Lockheed Martin recently delivered the U.S. Navy's first fully-integrated, shore-based trainer for Sailors who will crew the Navy's future fleet of Littoral
Combat Ships (LCS) at the San Diego Naval Base.
The Future Surface Combatant-Scalable Shore Based Trainer (FSC-SSBT)
was designed specifically to support the special needs of the LCS, a new
class of shallow-water surface combatant designed to be forward deployed
the majority of its lifecycle. The FSC-SSBT will allow the crew of Freedom
(LCS 1) and any additional Lockheed Martin-designed LCSs to undertake
high-fidelity, realistic shipboard bridge, combat system and engineering
duties -- in an integrated training environment -- long before they
actually board the ship. The first Freedom crew members began training at
the facility in early May.
The FSC-SSBT supports the Navy's LCS Concept of Operations through the
reuse of shipboard software, integrated simulations, virtual environments
and commercially available hardware. The facility's bridge simulator will
allow the crew to virtually drive the LCS and perform specialized scenarios
and maneuvers. The mission control center component of the training
facility -- which is the actual size of the center on the ship -- will
allow Sailors to use operational software from COMBATSS-21, the ship's
combat management system.
The FSC-SSBT also supports the Navy's Blue and Gold crew manning
concept, allowing for one crew to be trained while the other is deployed
and operational. Pre-familiarized with the training facility's realistic
LCS environment, shipboard crews can spend more time focused on operational
events versus training.