Panama Flag accepts GL’s Extended Dry Docking Programme
The Panama Maritime Authority has authorized Germanischer Lloyd (GL) to offer its extended dry docking (EDD) programme for vessels under the flag of Panama. The flag of Panama acknowledges the technological advancements to make environmentally safe in-water inspections and maintenance and reflects improvements in corrosion resistant materials, including the endurance and effectiveness of coating technology.
The EDD scheme offers ship owners and ship operators the option to extend normal dry docking intervals by 2.5 years. It concentrates on newbuildings and young container vessels, general cargo and multipurpose vessels. The first five-year class renewal dry docking is replaced with in-water surveys at 2.5 years and five years, with the first dry docking taking place at 7.5 years. The sequence continues until a second dry docking at 15 years, after which the docking schedule reverts to the normal schedule.
Ship owners who implement the current technological options can take advantage without undermining quality or safety. As well as the obvious savings in docking costs, other benefits for ship owners include reduced off-hire and more flexible options for arranging inspections and meeting charter party requirements.
Entry requirements include flag state programme approval and class notation IW (in-water). All ships participating in the EDD programme must have a GL-approved comprehensive planned maintenance system for the hull as well as for machinery. In addition, the ship must be fitted with a shaft bearing and sealing system of approved design with implementation of regular monitoring procedures.
GL’s EDD programme participants benefit from detailed knowledge of where and when inspections and repairs must be performed, early warning of degraded hull condition that helps to avoid costly surprises in dry-dock, and an overview of fleet status that allows avoidance of similar problems with sister vessels.
With its authorization, the flag of Panama joins other maritime administrations like Greece, Antigua & Barbuda, Jamaica, and Germany who have agreed to the GL’s EDD procedure. The Panama Maritime Authority oversees the world’s largest shipping register.
Source: GL Group