Torqeedo Powers Searobotics Unmanned Vessels
SeaRobotics specializes in creating vessels that are remotely or autonomously operated. A number of these unmanned surface vessels (USV) are powered by motors manufactured by Torqeedo, a leader in electric propulsion.
The USVs by SeaRobotics range from 3.5-11 meters. Customers using these USVs include domestic and international military organizations, universities, oceanographic institutes, and various government agencies.
Applications for USVs are limitless and SeaRobotics is able to adapt their craft for customer requests. For example, a SeaRobotics USV recently completed a series of missions in the arctic, which will undoubtedly open new opportunities in this frontier.
Applications for SeaRobotics vessels range from bathymetric and hydrographic surveys to coastal, harbor and river surveillance. SeaRobotics vessels range from small, modular and man-portable systems, allowing rapid deployment in remote areas or deployment by larger vessels, to large, high endurance, open ocean systems. The SeaRobotics command and control systems are user friendly and compact, enabling ease of mobilization.
Torqeedo's outboards combine lithium batteries with leading-edge motor technology and propeller design. They offer unrivalled strength and efficiency for superior range. Environmentally-sound and truly innovative, these electric outboards have won many awards