Odfjell Terminals, Rotterdam, to Step Up Tank Storage Safety
Odfjell Terminals, Rotterdam (OTR) present a plan to relevant aurthorities to address safety concerns in the short term & long-term
Background: Odfjell is one of the largest terminal operators in the Port of Rotterdam. Over the past years many complaints, mostly relating to safety issues, were made against the company. This resulted in several formal warnings and penalty payments from the local government. On 20 July 2012 the company was ordered to close 5 of its storage tanks due to the lack of cooling- and fire-fighting facilities. Later they had to close another 50 storage tanks due to safety concerns.
OTR informs of a meeting between the authorities DCMR Milieudienst Rijnmond (Environmental Protection Agency), Inspectie SZW and the Fire Brigade with the management of Odfjell Terminals Rotterdam (OTR). Laurence Odfjell, Chairman of the Board of Odfjell, was also present. At this meeting OTR presented a plan addressing both the short term needs and long-term goals with regards to the situation at OTR.
All the cooling and extinguishing equipments on 140+ tanks with carbon steel pipes will be replaced by new ones. At the same time maintenance will be carried out, when necessary, on other parts of the tanks. All tanks at OTR will be in full compliance with legislation and regulations and also with the PGS 29 guideline. PGS 29 is the guideline for large above-ground tank installations in which flammable liquids are stored. PGS 29 exceeds current legislation and regulations with respect to safety and the environment.
These measures have a great impact on business operations. Customers that have products stored in the tanks are being informed.
Odfjell is determined to improve the integrity of the terminal in order to ensure safe operations. 'Safety and the environment has the highest priority within Odfjell throughout the world', says Laurence Odfjell, Chairman of the Board of Odfjell SE. 'The current situation at OTR does not reflect the values of Odfjell. Our commitment is to do whatever is necessary to bring OTR up to industry standards. In the time ahead I will be present at OTR to give my full attention and support to the needed improvements.'