The new ship Anita Garibaldi departed on Wednesday, June 3 from the Petro-Eisa A shipyard in Niterói (RJ), for its maiden voyage. The tanker is the 10th ship of the Program for Modernization and Expansion of the Transpetro Fleet (Promef) to go online. After leaving the shipyard, the ship headed for the Terminal Island Water in the Bay of Guanabara, where it will make its first load operation.
There are currently 14 program vessels in different phases of construction, seven of which are in the finishing stage. Four of the vessels are due for delivery later this year.
Anita Garibaldi is the first in a series of four panamax ships honoring important women in the history of Brazil. The other three ships are under construction, two of which have already been christened: Sister Dulce and Zelia Gattai. With 228 meters in length and capacity to 650,000 barrels , the tanker will transport crude oil and light and dark products.
Nine other Promef ships are in operation: the Suezmax André Rebouças (which left on maiden voyage last month), Henrique Dias, Dragão do Mar, Zumbi dos Palmares e João Cândido; and José Alencar, Rômulo Almeida, Sérgio Buarque de Holanda and Celso Furtado.