IRClass Offers EEDI Validation Service
IRClass (Indian Register of Shipping) has recently included Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI) validation to its service offerings. This is in response to the International Maritime Organization’s (IMO) adoption of the EEDI regulation on January 1, 2013 which will apply to the majority of vessels delivered on or after July 1, 2015.
Under the regulation, the EEDI value calculated for a vessel must be based on speed in ideal sea conditions. However, often such conditions are not practically achievable due to time and geographical constraints. This poses a major challenge for shipyards to precisely interpret the ideal EEDI values using parameters recorded during these sea trials. It is, therefore, important that the certifying Class Society has the experience and expertise to assess and validate such calculations.
IRClass said it is one of the few organizations in world to have the domain knowledge in accurate EEDI assessment. The Class Society has been instrumental in developing the freeware “STAIMO” of Maritime Research Institute Netherlands (MARIN) along with other research bodies and shipping companies. STAIMO is based on IMO-recognised ISO ITTC (ISO 15016:2015) standards.
IRClass has also developed an in-house EEDI-Assessor which, along with the assignment of EEDI value, can be further used for optimizing shipboard propulsion-related machinery. This software is capable of handling ships with the most innovative designs.