ClassNK Updates Emissions Reporting Portal
Classification society ClassNK has released ClassNK MRV Portal (IMO DCS), a software service for the reporting, monitoring and verification of shipping CO2 emissions in line with the IMO DCS regulations that will come into effect in 2019.
The implementation of fuel consumption data reporting regulations has been ongoing in an effort to reduce GHG emissions and the EU-MRV (European Union - Monitoring, Reporting, Verification) regulations for ships operating in the EU area began in 2018. The upcoming IMO DCS regulations require all globally operating ships over 5,000GT to collect fuel consumption data and create an annual fuel consumption data report to submit to their flag administration or recognized organization for verification.
ClassNK MRV Portal was launched in 2017 to facilitate compliance with EU MRV regulations, and has now been updated to support IMO DCS. The software consists of on-board data sending functions, an on-shore data management system, and also a function for submitting an annual fuel consumption report. Moreover, the software is capable of efficiently connecting with third-party packages or in-house logbook software without any added on-board tasks and allows users to submit necessary data reports to ClassNK through the system.
Instructions on how to register and further details of the software are available through the link below for those who will begin gathering data to comply with IMO DCS. Users of ClassNK MRV Portal for EU-MRV can use the software for IMO DCS without any additional registration.