Cargo Ship Aground in St Lawrence Seaway
The upbound freighter 'Sedna Desgagnes' aground near Johnstown Bridge off Prescott, Ontario.
The casualty is completely out of the channel and appears to be in a shoal area with 6 m of water or less.
The ship is hard aground with cargo on board. She is up at the bow a few feet and listing slightly to starboard. This will be a major salvage operation with lightering taking place before she is pulled off her strand, according to 'Daily Great Lakes & Seaway Shipping News'.
The tug Ocean Georgie Bain was upbound and due to reach Iroquois Locks Sunday afternoon. Multiple tugs may be needed due to the close proximity of the bridge pilon and the very strong current which will take the Sedna towards it as soon as she is released from her strand.
No pollution was reported.
The Transportation Safety Board of Canada (TSB) is deploying a Marine investigation team to Prescott, Ontario. The TSB will gather information and assess the occurrence.