South Korea would propose a joint research with North Korea to develop marine resources and ocean tourism, reports Korea Herald.
South Korea’s Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Ministry pointed out the need of an excavation of North Korea’s marine resources, and development of ecotourism content and infrastructure to attract Asian tourists.
The plan is to work together on eco-friendly marine tourism measures with North Korea, and designate uninhabited islands as “Islands of Peace” where they can develop resources together.
North Korea’s project on the Daedonggang River, which runs through Pyongyang, will have official developmental assistance from Seoul. The North previously asked to join a Yellow Sea ecosystem preservation project, in which South Korea and China are collaborating.
The Maritime Ministry would establish the third “Dokdo Use Plan for 2016-2020,” and continue their monitoring of the island grounds and research on the marine ecosystem, and support operational expenses on Dokdo ― such as accommodation for residents, management ships, a Dokdo museum and a 3-D promotional animation on the islets.