All-In-One Dye Pinpoints Leaks
Full Spectrum All-In-One Dye Pinpoints All Leaks in Oil and Oil-Based Fluid Systems in Marine Vessels.
Tracer Products has developed a state-of-the-art fluorescent dye — TP-3405CS Dye-Lite® All-In-One™ dye — which greatly improves leak detection in all oil and oil-based fluid systems in marine vessels. It provides leak detection in gasoline and diesel engine oil, gasoline, diesel fuel, power steering fluid, as well as hydraulic and lubrication fluids. This dye has proven to be 100% effective with all UV and blue light lamps. TP-3405CS Dye-Lite All-In-One dye assures optimum leak detection because it actually contains two fluorescent dyes. One dye fluoresces best under UV and the other dye under blue light. Whatever type of inspection lamp is used, All-In-One dye will glow brilliantly and spotlight every leak — even a pinhole — in a system.
Dye-Lite All-In-One dye is safe and easy to use. Just one bottle of dye per application is all you need! The dye is circulated through the vessel’s fluid system, and will escape with the host fluid through the tiniest leak. When the system is scanned with a high-intensity Tracerline® UV lamp, the dye will glow brightly, spotlighting the exact location of every leak. All-In-One is available in standard and concentrated formulas. For more information about TP-3405CS Dye-Lite® All-In-One™ dye, call toll-free 1-800-641-1133. Outside the United States and Canada, call 516-333-1254. Website at