Robbers Active in Singapore Strait
The ReCAAP ISC has issued a warning about the continued occurrence of robberies onboard ships while underway in the Singapore Strait and warns of the possibility of further incidents.
There were 11 robberies between January 1 and February 3 onboard ships while underway in the eastbound lane of the Traffic Separation Scheme (TSS). Some incidents occurred within a short interval – two incidents each in the early morning of January 26 and February 3 and two incidents during the night of January 28 - 29.
All 11 incidents took place in close proximity to each other off Pulau Cula and Helen Mar Reef, onboard ships while transiting the Phillip Channel.
Engine spares were stolen in seven incidents and nothing was stolen in the other four. The perpetrators carried knives, guns or gun-like objects.
In one incident, the Chief Engineer's hands were tied.
Only four incidents occurred during the same time period last year.
A total of 107 incidents of piracy and armed robbery against ships were reported to ReCAAP ISC in 2024, 6% higher than the 101 incidents reported in 2023. Two were piracy incidents that occurred on the high seas, while 105 incidents were armed robbery against ships in internal waters, territorial seas and archipelagic waters under coastal States jurisdiction.
Ships are advised to intensify vigilance and maintain sharp look-out while transiting the areas of concern, particularly during hours of darkness, adopt preventive measures recommended in the Regional Guide 2 to Counter Piracy and Armed Robbery against Ships in Asia, and report all incidents immediately using the ReCAAP ISC Mobile App to the nearest coastal State and flag State.