LR Alert: Amendments to the IMSBC Code
Amendments to the International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes (IMSBC) Code (03-15) are under development by the Carriage of Containers and Cargoes (CCC) Sub-Committee (formerly the DSC Sub-Committee). Member governments are urged to voluntarily implement the amendments as soon as possible.
The amendments include:
- a draft individual schedule for iron ore fines (group A) which addresses the dangers relating to liquefaction
- a revised individual schedule for iron ore (group C)
- a new draft test procedure – "Modified Proctor/ Fagerberg test procedure for iron ore fines" – for inclusion in appendix 2 to the IMSBC Code.
Owners and Masters are reminded that cargoes with a moisture content higher than the Transportable Moisture Limit (TML) must not be accepted for loading.
For further information on the voluntary implementation of the Code, please see the IMO Circular DSC.1/Circ.71
Guidance on carrying solid bulk cargoes safely
Lloyd’s Register, the UK P&I Club, and Intercargo have produced a pocket guide for ships’ officers and agents who arrange cargoes for loading.
This outlines the precautions to be taken before accepting solid bulk cargoes for shipment; sets out procedures for safe loading and carriage; details the primary hazards associated with different types of cargo; and underlines the importance of proper cargo declarations. A quick reference checklist and flowchart summarise the steps to be followed.
How can owners and operators obtain copies?
You can order printed copies of the pocket guide from our webstore. A PDF of both the pocket guide and flowchart can be downloaded from the Lloyd’s Register website
The guidance is available in both English and Chinese.