Israel Navy Capabilities Ramped Up to Protect Offshore Platforms
Force to receive 2 more advanced German Dolphin-class submarines in 2014, and a long range air defense system, in an unprecedented upgrade, reports the Jerusalem Post.
The navy has been working with Israeli defense companies to develop a range of sea and underwater combat technologies, from radars to electronic warfare capabilities.
Despite budget cuts, the IDF is in the midst of a multi-year force buildup process, and the navy is going through an unprecedented phase marked by weapons upgrades, reports the Jerusalem Post, citing Navy sources.
As Israel’s Exclusive Economic Zone in the eastern Mediterranean is filling up with large-scale natural gas drilling, the navy is expecting the government to approve a budget that will add four missile ships, drones, unmanned sea vessels and patrol air craft to protect it. The zone is the size of the State of Israel, and it will up be to the navy to defend this vital national asset from terrorist threats and hostile states.
Source: Jerusalem Post