Gamesa's G52 Wind Turbine Receives GL Certification for 50 and 60Hz Operation
Brussels/Belgium, Hamburg/Germany, 14 March 2011 - Gamesa received a Type Certificate from GL Renewables Certification (GL) for their wind turbine G52-850 kW Class I, for both grid frequencies, 50 and 60 Hz.
The Type Certificate confirms that the wind turbine G52-850 kW Class I complies with the requirements of the GL Guideline for the Certification of Wind Turbines, Edition 2003 with Supplement 2004 regarding design, power quality and verification of the load assumptions for both grid frequencies.
The certification will help Gamesa to apply for any wind farm tenders worldwide with focus on Central and North American markets where electricity grids are operating in 60 Hz frequency.
The G52 turbine was designed more than two decades ago and has consistently to a successful operating record. A number of variants were certified earlier by GL according to former 1999 guidelines. Gamesa has obtained GL certification for its G8X systems, and is currently working to gain certification for its latest design, the Gamesa G10X 4.5 MW platform.
Source: Gamesa