Ships Calling at Dubai to Comply with Environmental Norms
Ships calling DP World/PCFC ports in Dubai are required to strictly comply with PCFC-EHS Ports and Maritime Regulations and IMO Marpol Annex VI –Regulations for the prevention of air pollution from ships, as amended to maintain the port environment cleaner and safer for the port business.
With immediate effect, ships are hereby advised to refrain from any unsafe practices causing air pollution including but not limited to the following:
* Ships emitting black/grey exhaust smoke
* Incineration during port stay, and
* Using fuel oil not in line with Marpol Annex VI requirements
Any contravention to these above mentioned requirements may result in appropriate sanctions being imposed which may include imposition of fines.
Furthermore, all concerned are requested to maintain their main engine/s, auxiliary engines and all other machineries/ equipment in good operating condition without causing any environmental pollution and also to ensure ship's IAPP certificate is valid in all aspects.
Source: Government of Dubai Ports, Customs & Free Zone Corporation Circular EHS/ PM/ 02/ 14