SOCP Spring Meeting: Participation Invited
Ship Operations Cooperative Program (SOCP) meeting invites maritime industry representatives.
This meeting will focus on Recruiting the Next Generation of Mariners and how Regulatory Requirements and Critical Incidents impact the US Maritime Industry; also about lessons learned in the aftermath of Super Storm Sandy.
The Keynote Speaker and Moderator will be Rear Admiral Wendi B. Carpenter, President, State University of New York (SUNY) Maritime College.
There will be four panel discussions on:
- Recruiting the Next Generation of Mariners - How Do We Best Work Together?
- Regulatory Impacts on Crew Recruitment and Retention - How Do We Reduce?
- Maritime Lessons Learned from Super Storm Sandy - Opportunities for Improvement in Vessel Capabilities for Disaster Response?
- Piracy and Other Critical Incidents at Sea - How to Reduce Impacts on Mariners?
The SOCP Spring 2013 Meeting is to be held at STAR Center, 2 West Dixie Highway, Dania Beach, FL 33004 on February 20-21, 2013.
From Cargo Ships, Tankers, Passenger Vessels and Workboats to Shipyards and Ports, SOCP welcome all maritime industry representatives to join in. There are no membership requirements to attend the meeting. However, participants must register for the event by using links on the SOCP website.