New Surge Protector from TRP
Thomas Research Products offers a new level of safety for LED lighting with 20kA Surge Protectors. Thomas Research Products is a leading manufacturer of SSL power solutions.
TRP’s BSP3-20K series products are designed to be used in conjunction with LED drivers, to provide an additional level of protection against dangerous power transients in industrial and commercial applications. They also function to protect electronic fluorescent, electronic HID ballasts, and induction lighting ballasts. Protection is provided from surges up to 20,000 Amps (using industry standard 8/20 uSec wave), double the level of TRP’s standard BSP3 Surge Protectors. Models are available for 277V and 480V power.
The compact devices feature three wire leads for Line-Ground, Line-Neutral and Neutral-Ground protection. Flame-proof plastic enclosures provide 85°C surface temperature rating. The BSP3-20K series meets IEEE/ANSI C62.41.2 guidelines and are UL Recognized Components for United States and Canada. The BSP3-20K from TRP is particularly useful in avoiding costly problems in 24/7 applications, such as big-box retail, warehouses, parking garages, transportation and government facilities.