Webinar to Examine 3D Laser Scanning in the Marine Industry
3D laser scanning has taken much interest in the maritime industry as it continues to find greater acceptance in the sector.
In an up-close look at 3D laser scanning, FARO’s webinar, Applying 3D Laser Scanning to the Marine Industry, will discuss its challenges, the developments which helping to mainstream this technology in the marine industry, and practical examples from real world applications. Slated for Tuesday, April 29, 2014, 1-2 p.m. Eastern, the free webinar offers an opportunity to hear from industry experts on emerging trends in 3D laser scanning without ever leaving the office.
Register at webinar.navalprofessional.com
Leading the webinar is Daryl Johnson, a registered professional engineer in Washington State and founder and engineering manager at Summit Engineering and Design, LLC. Johnson shared his insight on the Faro system.
First, tell us about yourself and your connection to FARO?
I have nearly 30 years of management, engineering and design experience in the refining, power, marine, process and integrated chip industry. I established Summit Engineering and Design, LLC in 1998 with the goal to provide great value to client's with a service oriented fit-for-purpose approach to engineering and design. I was first introduced to 3D laser scanning back in 2001, and Summit's investment in 3D Laser Scanning has been driven by the belief that this technology, used properly, provides exceptional value to our clients. Summit has used FARO Laser Scanners since 2006 and continues to be impressed with FARO's commitment to serving their client's need for smaller more cost effective scanners while maintaining high quality data acquisition.
What is the focus of the FARO webinar, how is this of interest and relevance to the marine industry, and how is this is being used to good effect today?
3D Laser Scanning applied to the Marine Industry has overcome many challenges in the last few years and is finding more and more acceptance in this highly competitive and challenging industry. This webinar will discuss those challenges as well as the developments which are bringing this emerging technology into the mainstream of the marine industry. Practical examples will be presented of real world applications such as safe, thorough and accurate ship checks; replace in kind piping systems; new equipment installation; scan to plan; and computer based training.
What do you want the webinar’s participants to walk away with?
3D Laser Scanning is quickly growing past an emerging technology into a mainstream solution for the current needs of the marine industry.