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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Kitack Lim News

12 Dec 2023

IMO Launches History Book

Source: IMO

A book detailing the history of the IMO has been published to mark 75 years since the adoption of the IMO Convention, creating for the first time a global body to promote the safety and security of shipping and the protection of the marine environment.The IMO Convention entered into force in 1958 and the new Organization met for the first time the following year. The IMO's first task was to adopt a new version of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS).“Safer shipping…

12 Dec 2023

Red Sea Shipping Costs Rising After Houthis Target More Commercial Vessels

© Denys Yelmanov / Adobe Stock

The cost of shipping goods through the Red Sea is rising as Yemen's Houthis step up attacks on ships they deem connected to Israel with fears of a spillover that could disrupt global supplies sailing through the region, industry sources said.Yemen's Houthis said on Tuesday they hit a Norwegian commercial tanker with a missile in their latest protest against Israel's invasion of Gaza, underlining the risks of a conflict that has shaken the Middle East.Around 23,000 ships pass through the narrow Bab al-Mandab Strait connecting the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden…

11 Dec 2023

ABS Chairman and CEO Honors IMO Secretary General

ABS Chairman and CEO Christopher J. Wiernicki with incoming IMO Secretary General Arsenio Dominguez at COP28 (Photo: ABS)

ABS Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Christopher J. Wiernicki expressed the thanks of a grateful industry to IMO Secretary General Kitack Lim at the official gala dinner to mark the transition to his successor Arsenio Dominguez. Speaking to more than 250 assembled leaders of the shipping industry at COP28, Wiernicki detailed Secretary General Lim’s “glittering legacy of achievement” and honored their shared commitment to safety. “Consider the water under the bridge since January 1, 2016, when he took office.

11 Dec 2023

Data Collaboration Demands ‘Systemic Shift’ in Shipping

Increased shipboard automation can boost the operational efficiency of shipping. Image: Bureau Veritas

Shipping’s journey of digital transformation is as much about cultural change - from the boardroom to onboard vessels - to adapt to new ways of working with data collaboration at the core as it is about technology adoption, according to a new Bureau Veritas-backed research study.Digital transformation of the industry “demands a systemic shift in how we work together,” Bureau Veritas Marine & Offshore’s VP Digital Solutions & Transformation, Laurent Hentges, said in the foreword to the report by research firm Thetius…

04 Dec 2023

Pakistan Becomes Party to Hong Kong Convention

Source: IMO

Pakistan has become a Party to the Hong Kong International Convention for the Safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships, 2009 (Hong Kong Convention).Vice Admiral (Retd.) Iftikhar Ahmad Rao, Maritime Minister and Special Assistant to the Prime Minister (SAPM) on Maritime Affairs, Pakistan, deposited the instrument of accession with IMO Secretary-General Kitack Lim at IMO Headquarters in London on November 30.The deposit follows an IMO-run national seminar in Karachi to…

30 Nov 2023

Arsenio Dominguez Velasco Confirmed as Next IMO Secretary-General

Source: IMO

Arsenio Antonio Dominguez Velasco has been confirmed as the next Secretary-General of the IMO. The IMO Assembly unanimously approved the decision of the Council at its 129th session on November 30.Dominguez Velasco will take up the office of Secretary-General on January 1, 2024, for an initial term of four years. He becomes the Organization's 10th elected Secretary-General.The outgoing Secretary-General, Kitack Lim, congratulated his successor on his appointment. "I am confident that the Membership as a whole has made a wise decision, and that Mr.

30 Nov 2023

IMO and Korea Agree to Boost SMART-C Program

Source: IMO

The IMO and the Republic of Korea have signed a suite of agreements to formally establish and boost the IMO-Republic of Korea Sustainable Maritime Transport Cooperation (SMART-C) program.The goal of the KRW 25.5 billion (approximately $20 million) SMART-C program is to promote sustainable maritime transport systems and a sustainable marine environment by building knowledge and developing technical capacity in developing countries via long-term thematic projects.This Official Development Assistance (ODA) funding will ensure long-term programming of several technical cooperation projects.

13 Nov 2023

IMO/ILO Conference on Work at Sea Highlights Collaboration

Source: IMO

The Joint IMO/ILO Conference on Work at Sea held on November 13 involved the sharing of best practices, views and experiences on: ensuring the rights of seafarers and fishers; identifying gaps in the current regulatory framework, including in relation to responsible management; and exploring how governments, industry, IGOs and NGOs can collaborate to improve the relevant international maritime legal framework.In his closing remarks International Labour Organization (ILO) Director-General Gilbert F.

30 Oct 2023

World Maritime University Graduates Class of '23

Photo credit: World Maritime University

On 28 October, the maritime leaders of tomorrow - World Maritime University (WMU) class of 2023 - graduated. The WMU 2023 graduating class includes 283 graduates from 71 countries, including a record of 99 women graduates.WMU President, Professor Maximo Q. Mejia, Jr., delivered welcome remarks. As a WMU graduate himself, President Mejia reflected on the power of the WMU experience and how it affects the way one thinks, works, plans, and interacts. “You have acquired information that you did not possess before you enrolled here," he said.

27 Sep 2023

World Maritime Day 2023 Theme Highlights Marine Environment Protection

Source: IMO

The IMO’s commitment to the preservation of the marine environment is being highlighted on World Maritime Day, September 28, 2023, with the theme "MARPOL at 50 – Our commitment goes on."This year sees the 50th anniversary of the adoption of the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL), the primary global treaty for the prevention of pollution of the marine environment by ships from intentional, operational or accidental causes.IMO Secretary-General Kitack Lim notes that achievements have already made in regulating to protect ocean health…

18 Jul 2023

Panama's Arsenio Dominguez Elected as IMO Secretary General

Arsenio Antonio Dominguez Velasco (Photo: IMO)

The International Maritime Organization's Council (IMO) has elected Arsenio Antonio Dominguez Velasco from Panama as its secretary-general, the UN shipping agency said on Tuesday.Dominguez beat six other contenders from China, Turkey, Kenya, Finland, Dominica and Bangladesh in a vote and will take office on January 1, 2024, for a four-year term, subject to the approval of the IMO Assembly.Dominguez will take the helm at a crucial time as the shipping industry grapples with challenges including pressures to speed up decarbonization.A trained naval architect…

03 Jul 2023

UMAS: IMO Intersessional Working Group Made Little Headway on GHG strategy

MEPC 80 Plenary (Source: IMO)

The fifteenth Intersessional Working Group on Greenhouse Gases (ISWG GHG 15) that concluded last week left key details undecided, says advisory service company UMAS.The meeting was the final working group meeting before the 80th session of the Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) this week. MEPC 80 is a critical moment for the IMO because it coincides both with the adoption of a Revised GHG Reduction Strategy (Revised Strategy), as well as being the point that a set of policy measures key for enabling that strategy…

27 Jun 2023

Kitack Lim Tells GHG Strategy Group: Be Ambitious and Bold

Source: IMO

IMO Secretary-General Kitack Lim has delivered a speech at the working group meeting on the revision of shipping’s GHG strategy.The Intersessional Working Group on Reduction of GHG Emissions from Ships (ISWG-GHG 15) is meeting for five days before MEPC 80 meeting (3-7 July).There are two main themes: the finalization of the draft 2023 IMO strategy on reduction of GHG emissions from ships, and the further assessment and selection of measures, both technical and economic elements.Lim said: “You have already reiterated your commitment to finalize the revision of the initial strategy at MEPC 80.

12 Jun 2023

MSC 107: SOLAS Amendments Adopted and Titanic Remembered

Source: IMO

The IMO Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) held its 107th session from May 31 to June 9, 2023.Highlights of the meeting included the adoption of amendments to the LSA Code and MSC.81(70) Revised recommendation on the testing of life-saving appliances for the ventilation of totally enclosed lifeboats. ABS reports that the Committee adopted Resolution MSC.533(107) introducing amendments to the LSA Code to provide performance requirements that will require totally enclosed lifeboats to provide a means of ventilation operable from inside the lifeboat at a rate of not less than 5 m3/hour per person…

17 May 2023

International Day for Women in Maritime: Thursday May 18

Source: IMO

The IMO invites everyone in the maritime industry to celebrate the International Day for Women in Maritime on social media using the hashtag #WomenInMaritimeDay.The International Day for Women in Maritime is held each year on May 18 to celebrate women working across the maritime industry. This year's theme is: “Mobilizing networks for gender equality”.The day celebrates women in the industry and promotes the recruitment, retention and sustained employment of women in the maritime sector…

03 Apr 2023

Next IMO Secretary-General Could be a Win for Diversity

Source: IMO

Seven IMO Member States have nominated a candidate for the post of Secretary-General of the IMO in what could be a win for diversity in maritime.Three of the seven are women, and if elected, Nancy Karigithu of Kenya would also be the first African to hold the post. The other female nominees are Dr. Cleopatra Doumbia-Henry (Dominica) and Minna Kivimäki (Finland).They are joined by nominees Moin Uddin Ahmed (Bangladesh), Suat Hayri Aka (Türkiye), Arsenio Antonio Dominguez Velasco (Panama) and Zhang Xiaojie (China).The term of the current incumbent…

23 Mar 2023

Insurers Covering Ukraine Grain Corridor Shipments for Now

© glebzter / Adobe Stock

Insurers continue to cover grain shipments from Ukraine through a U.N.-backed corridor although more clarity will be required soon, a senior Lloyd's of London official said on Thursday, after the export accord was renewed for at least 60 days.The deal allowing the safe wartime export of Ukrainian grain from its Black Sea ports, initially brokered last July by Turkey and the U.N., was renewed on Saturday for just half the intended period.Insurance for ships going into the three Ukrainian ports covered by the agreement has been vital…

24 Feb 2023

Insurers Count the Cost of Ships Snagged in Ukraine Crisis

© olyasolodenko / Adobe Stock

Insurers are facing half a billion dollars in claims for up to 60 commercial ships still stuck in Ukraine a year after the start of the war with Russia, industry sources said.When the conflict started, more than 90 merchant ships - many with food cargoes onboard - and some 2,000 crew members were caught in Ukraine and unable to leave due to the fighting.Curtailed shipments from major grain exporter Ukraine played a role in the resulting global food crisis.According to shipping and insurance industry assessments…

08 Nov 2022

VIDEO: IMO Sec-Gen Pays Tribute to Late William O’Neil, IMO Secretary-General Emeritus

©IMO / YT Screenshot

International Maritime Organization's Secretary-General, Kitack Lim, used the annual IMO Awards ceremony as an opportunity to pay special tribute to the late William A. O'Neil, IMO Secretary-General Emeritus, who died in the United Kingdom on 29 October 2020, aged 93. O'Neil was Secretary-General of IMO from 1990 to 2003.Lim welcomed those attending the 2022 IMO Awards Ceremony, the first time since before the COVID-19 pandemic that the Awards have been held in-person. Addressing the audience…

02 Nov 2022

World Maritime University Celebrates 2022 Graduation

WMU Graduating Class of 2022. Fotograf Leo/WMU

On October 31, 2022, global maritime leaders of tomorrow graduated from the World Maritime University (WMU). The Class of 2022 has received the education required to contribute to maritime and ocean matters in their home countries and more broadly to the implementation of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs). Overall, the graduating class includes 276 graduates from 70 countries, and sets a record of 94 women graduates.WMU President Dr. Cleopatra Doumbia…

01 Nov 2022

IMO Sec-Gen Marks Entry Into Force of Carbon Intensity Rules


Amendments to the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL) Annex VI entered into force on Tuesday, November 1, 2022. Developed under the framework of the Initial IMO Strategy on Reduction of GHG Emissions from Ships agreed in 2018, these technical and operational amendments require ships to improve their energy efficiency in the short term and thereby reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. From January 1, 2023, it will be mandatory for all ships…

27 Apr 2022

IMO Urges States to Accede to 2012 Cape Town Agreement on Fishing Vessel Safety

Credit: IMO

International Maritime Organization's (IMO) Secretary-General Kitack Lim has urged states to take action to achieve entry into force of the Cape Town fishing vessel safety agreement, a key international treaty that will establish an international regime for fishing vessel safety.IMO said the agreement would help make fishing safe, sustainable, and legal - and make a significant contribution to the protection of fishers, an unacceptably high number of whom lose their lives every year."We cannot afford to be complacent when it comes to addressing the safety of fishers and fishing vessels…

11 Mar 2022

IMO to Work on Safe Corridor for Ships Stranded by Ukraine Conflict

© Alexey Zayats / Adobe Stock

The UN's shipping agency will seek to create a safe maritime corridor to enable merchant ships and their crews stuck in the Black Sea and Sea of Azov to sail away without the risk of being hit, it said on Friday.Russia's military took control of waterways when it invaded Ukraine on Feb. 24, in what Moscow calls a "special operation".Ukrainian maritime officials have told Reuters fighting has left around 100 foreign-flagged vessels and hundreds of mariners stranded in Ukrainian…