S.Korea STX Sees Orders Resuming in 2nd Half
According to a Feb. 26 report from Reuters, South Korea's STX Group, which runs the world's No. 4 shipbuilder and No. 5 dry bulk carrier, said new ship orders could…
Dryships Agreement with Nordea Bank
DryShips Inc. (NASDAQ:DRYS), a global provider of marine transportation services for drybulk cargoes and off-shore contract drilling oil services, announced that…
Global Diving & Salvage Acquires Offshore Divers
Seattle-based Global Diving & Salvage, Inc. has announced the acquisition of Offshore Divers of Anchorage, Alaska. As Global Offshore Divers, the new company will…
MARAD, $100m in Small Shipyard Grants
Under the terms of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, the Maritime Administration has received $100 million for the Small Shipyards Grant Program, which…
Burger Boat at Dubai Boat Show
Burger Boat Company of Manitowoc, WI USA, will be participating in the Dubai International Boat Show March 3-7, 2009, held at the Dubai International Marine Club – Mina Seyahi. Visit us at stand F1-4.
Comark Corp New Panel Mount Computers

Comark Corporation, designer and manufacturer of ruggedized custom computer solutions for the marine and military markets expanded its portfolio of display and computer solutions by announcing the availability of the MDU PC Panel Mount Computer Series. The MDU PC Series combines the functionality of a computer, display and optional touchscreen into a modular assembly. The MDUPC-15, MDUPC-19 and MDUPC-20 (15”…
Mitropoulos Urges Nigeria to Act on Piracy

IMO Secretary-General Efthimios E. Mitropoulos has urged the Government of Nigeria to intervene to help reduce the incidence of acts of piracy and armed robbery against ships in the Gulf of Guinea and in the waters off the coast of Nigeria. Mr. Mitropoulos took the opportunity of a wide-ranging meeting with Nigeria's new Minister of Transport, Mr. Ibrahim Bio, which took place Feb. 20 at the IMO Headquarters in London…
Noble, OTC Distinguished Achievement Award
The Offshore Technology Conference (OTC) will present the 2009 Distinguished Achievement Awards to Peter G. Noble for his marine design innovations and to Sakhalin…
State of the Coast Guard Address

The U.S. Coast Guard Commandant, Adm. Thad Allen, is scheduled to deliver his State of the Coast Guard address Tuesday, 3:00 p.m., at the National Press Club, 529 14th St. NW, 13th floor, Washington, to outline the Service's goals and priorities for 2009. In this annual address, Allen will outline how even in this era of persistent conflict and with the current global economic situation, the Coast Guard is able to effectively safeguard the nation's maritime safety…
MARAD Contract to California Sealift Terminals
The Maritime Administration has awarded a contract to California Sealift Terminals, Inc, San Francisco, Calif., to provide layberth services for three Ready Reserve Force vessels--Cape Henry…
Mediterranean Shipping Co. Rate Increase
Mediterranean Shipping Company (MSC) will file a General Rate Increase (GRI) of $160 per 20 ft container and $200 per 40 ft unit on all cargo moving from Europe to the USA.
Calypso Withdraws Deepwater Application
On February 25, 2009, Calypso LNG, LLC informed the Maritime Administration and the U.S. Coast Guard it will cease all license processing work on the Calypso Deepwater Port LNG project…
Cal Maritime Honored for Rescue at Sea

Capt. Paul Leyda and crewmembers of the California Maritime Academy’s Training Ship Golden Bear (TSGB) have been honored with the 2008 Mary Patten Valiant Ship Award and Commendation for Bravery and Outstanding Seamanship. The honor, given by the Women’s Propeller Club of the United States, was awarded in recognition of the actions of the Captain and crew in an August 2008 rescue of two fishermen adrift in a small power boat some 80 miles off the coast of Monterey, Ca.
Maritime Security Venture
Unitel, international corporate security consultant since 1978, announced that over 2-years of intensive planning has been completed to launch a maritime security…
This Day in Naval History – Feb. 27
1973 - First airborne mine sweep in a live minefield took place in the Haiphong, Vietnam ship channel by helicopters from Helicopter Mine Countermeasures Squadron Twelve on board USS New Orleans.
Strategic Marine Opens Shipyard in Vietnam

Western Australian shipbuilder Strategic Marine officially opened its $16.3m (USD) shipyard in Vietnam on February 24, demonstrating that the company is confident it can ride out the current global economic turmoil. Strategic Marine Chairman Mark Newbold told several hundred dignitaries and guests attending the grand opening that the Vietnamese yard had already won more than $61.8m in orders. Newbold said with three other yards in Australia…
Tsakos Charter Extension for Suezmax Triathlon
Tsakos Energy Navigation Limited (NYSE:TNP) announced that the seven year time-charter with profit sharing for the 2002-built double hull suezmax tanker Triathlon…
GE to Supply Gas Turbines to Australian Navy

GE Marine will supply ASC Shipbuilding, Adelaide, Australia, with six LM2500 gas turbines to power three Royal Australian Navy (RAN) advanced Air Warfare Destroyers (AWD). Each Hobart class AWD will feature two LM2500s configured into a Combined Diesel and Gas turbine (CODAG) arrangement with two diesel engines. The vessels will be built at the ASC’s Osborne shipyard. The RAN’s new destroyers will…
Craig, Reasoner Join Crowley Personnel Dept.

Crowley Maritime Corporation is continuing the expansion of its newly formed marine personnel department through the appointments of Scott Craig, director, West Coast/Alaska and Margaret Reasoner, director, East Coast/Gulf. Craig will have responsibility for the Seattle, Long Beach and Anchorage crewing locations that service operations from southern California to northwestern Alaska encompassing more than 70-crewed vessels and 800-plus mariners.
Maersk Line Enhancemenents
Maersk Line announced the extension of its Far East - West Africa FEW1 service to include Shanghai and Ningbo in China. Maersk Line offers direct calls to the West African ports of Lome (Togo)…