Tubbataha Reef Wreck Removal Completed

The stern section, the last module of the former minehunter 'USS Guardian' has now been removed by salvors. In January 2013 the Navy mine countermeasures ship USS Guardian ran aground on a coral reef in the Philippines, inside Tubbataha Reefs Natural Park. The Navy removed the approximately 15,000 gallons of fuel aboard the ship and decided that the safest way to extract the Guardian from the reef was to deconstruct and carry it away in smaller sections.
Seattle Shipyard Delivers Third NYPD Boat

Kvichak Marine Industries, of Seattle, WA, recently delivered a third 44.5’ Response Boat Medium to the New York Police Department Harbor Unit. The first two RB-M C’s were delivered in April 2010 and August 2012. Both have been providing maritime security and law enforcement along with search and rescue in the New York metropolitan area. These all-aluminum vessels are designed by Camarc Design, UK…
Great Lakes Shipyard Launches First Seacor Tugboat

Great Lakes Shipyard continues to make progress on the construction of two Aura-class tugboats for Seacor Holdings. Great Lakes Shipyard was earlier awarded contracts by Caribbean Tugz, LLC, an affiliate of Seacor Holdings, Inc., to simultaneously build the new state-of-the-art 50-ton bollard pull tugboats. Designed by Jensen Maritime Consultant, Inc., Seattle, Washington, the new tugs are being built for classification by the American Bureau of Shipping…
ClassNK Authorized for Romanian Surveys

The Japanese classification society has been authorized by the Romanian Naval Authority to carry out Romanian Government Surveys. The agreement allows ClassNK to perform surveys for SOLAS, MARPOL, Load Line and other international conventions, as well as perform audits and issue certificates to Romanian flagged vessels on behalf of the Romanian Government. With the authorization from Romania, ClassNK is now authorized to perform surveys and audits on behalf of 15 Flag Administrations in the EU…
U.K. Offshore Maintenance Contract for XPD8 Solutions
Aberdeen, Scotland-based XPD8 Solutions' condition monitoring team secures contracts valued at more than £2-million. The company, which specializes in the management…
Wellboat Order for Spain Shipyard

Sølvtrans has signed a contract with Zamakona Yards for the construction of another well-boat (live-fish carrier). Delivery is scheduled to early 2014. The vessel is a sister ship of Rojna Polaris, currently under construction at Zamakona Yards, and in addition, Solvtrans has entered an option for two additional vessels with delivery in second half of 2014 and first half of 2015. The investment, amounting to some NOK 250 million (€ 22 million) per vessel…
Ship-to-Ship LNG Bunkering Available in Stockholm Ports
Ports of Stockholm claims first in the world to provide infrastructure for liquefied natural gas (LNG) fuel for large passenger ferries. A successful collaboration involving AGA…
Bulk Ship Owner Follows Trend, Reports 2012 Profit Plunge

For the year ended December 31, 2012, Excel reported voyage revenues of $242.0 million compared to voyage revenues of $353.4 million for the year ended December 31, 2011. The Company is currently in advanced restructuring discussions with its lenders under its syndicated credit facility, dated as of April 14, 2008 (the “Syndicate Lenders”), which include amended amortization schedules and extension of the facility’s maturity.
Hawaii Ship Repairers Fined $700,000
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the Hawaii State Department of Health settle with Marisco Ltd for pollution offences. The violations took place at Marisco's…
Venice 'Blue Flag' Accord Signed

Cruise ships agree to adopt the strictest measures to reduce air pollution when entering Italy's Venice Lagoon. The agreement, known as “Venice Blue Flag II,” commits cruise lines to operate the main and auxiliary engines of their ships with marine fuel with sulphur content of no more than 0.1% (lower than the EU guidelines, which recently set restrictions at 0.5%) immediately upon passing the Lido harbour entrance and while travelling through the Lagoon’s marine canals.
New Comnav Camera Sees Through Dark & Storm
Comnav Marine unveil their new gyro stabilized thermal night vision & low light camera system, the V2. The company says this next-generation of Thermal & Low Light Camera Systems…
No Need to Switch Off Navy Yard Building Lights
Naval District Washington (NDW) testing a Energy Management System (CEMS) in Washington Navy Yard building. Testing of the CEMS in Building 101 is expected to last through April 2013…
UK Club at Connecticut Expo & CMA Commodore Award

The UK Club took part recently in the latest Connecticut Maritime Association (CMA) exhibition and conference at Stamford, CT. The UK P&I Club say that their stand at the expo was host to many of their members and friends from the North American maritime community and beyond. Each year the award of CMA Commodore is given to an individual for their contribution to the growth and development of the shipping industry. This year’s recipient was Mr.
Thai Speedboat Plan to Beat Resort's Traffic Congestion

Thai authorities seek new ways to get people from Phuket International Airport to their destinations on the Andaman Sea island. One possibilty discussed at a recent meeting would be to build a quay pier next to the airport in order to carry passengers by speedboat or hydrofoil the 13 miles to Patong, reports The Phuket News. Phuripat Theerakulpisut, Director of Marine, Phuket Branch, explained, that they had drawn up a plan and were were waiting for approval and budget for the project…
US Hi-Tech Innovator to Show at Navy League Expo
Concurrent Technologies Corporation (CTC) to showcase technologies at Navy League's upcoming Sea-Air-Space Exposition. CTC is an independent, nonprofit, applied…
Plug In to AMP or Stay Away from California Ports

Come Jan. 1, 2014, the maritime industry in California faces a looming reality: ships must link up to port alternative maritime power (AMP). “Compliance is not optional,” said T.L. Garrett, vice president of Pacific Merchant Shipping Association. Garrett’s group represents the majority of international shipping lines and terminal operators doing business on the West Coast; most of them will be impacted by state rules to go into effect next year mandating the use of shore power for container…
Dubai Launch Maritime Green Initiative

Drydocks World & Maritime World's initiative aims to encourage all-round environmental excellence in maritme & allied sectors. The initiative was inaugurated in the presence of key decision-makers from government and industry, underlined by a MoU for green technology signed with classification society DNV and Rolls-Royce. Khamis Juma Buamim, Chairman of Drydocks World and Maritime World said: “We are at the threshold of a new era in environment management for maritime sustainable development.
Great Lakes Community Soon Treading on Thin Ice
US Coast Guard Sector Lake Michigan advises of the dangers as increasingly warmer temperatures weaken ice. The Coast Guard warns that warmer temperatures present…
US Shipbuilder Holds Course in 2012
Conrad Industries announces its 2012 financial results and also the addition of new business during Q1 2013. For the quarter ended December 31, 2012, Conrad had…
China Shipyard Delivers First Dolphin 64 Bulker
The 63,800 dwt bulk carrier 'Amber Champion' has been completed and named at the Chengxi Shipyard Co. A spokesperson for the shipbuilder addressed guests at the ceremony…