Jeffboat Receives Environmental Award
American Commercial Lines Inc. (ACL) announced that Jeffboat received a Governor's Award for Environmental Excellence from the Indiana Department of Environmental…
WOW Moves to California Maritime Academy
The second annual Women on the Water conference will be held on November 6 – 8, 2008 at the California Maritime Academy, Vallejo, Calif. Originally scheduled to be held in Galveston…
Malfunction Underscores Need for Second Poe-Sized Lock
A malfunction of the Poe Lock at Sault Ste. Marie, , on September 24 has illustrated the pressing need for Congress to appropriate the funds to build another lock…
Second Superferry Launched

The second of two high speed vehicle-passenger catamarans for Hawaii Superferry has been launched at Austal USA. The achievement comes just months after Austal successfully launched the LCS Independence – a state-of-the-art near-shore combat ship built for the US Navy. With a service speed of 40 knots and the capacity to transport 866 passengers and 282 cars, the high speed catamaran joins sister…
NASSCO Awarded $9.2m Repair Contract
National Steel and Shipping Co., San Diego, Calif., is being awarded a $9.2m modification to previously awarded contract (N00024-06-C-4402) for the repair and alteration…
San Antonio Makes Inaugural Transit Through Suez Canal
The amphibious transport dock ship USS San Antonio (LPD 17) made its first transit through the Suez Canal as part of the Iwo Jima Expeditionary Strike Group Sept. 23.
Fleet Begins Transition to New Reporting System
From U.S. Starting Oct. 1, the fleet will begin transitioning to the new Defense Readiness Reporting System-Navy (DRRS-N), a Web-based management system providing…
Northrop Grumman Awarded Contract
Northrop Grumman Ship Systems, Pascagoula, Miss., is being awarded a $76.6m modification to previously awarded contract (N00024-06-C-2306) to exercise an option…
Bath Iron Works Corp. Awarded Contract
Bath Iron Works Corp., (a General Dynamics Company), Bath, Maine, is being awarded an $83.4m modification to previously awarded contract to exercise an option for…
This Day in Naval History - Sept. 30
1800 - concludes Treaty of Peace with , ending Quasi War with . 1944 - USS Nautilus (SS 168) lands supplies and evacuates people from Panay, . 1946 - government…
Georgia’s Ports Increase Overall Tonnage
Georgia Ports Authority’s (GPA) Executive Director Doug J. Marchand announced that the GPA handled more than 2.2m tons of cargo for all terminals in August, a 4.4-percent increase…
Provisions of the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 Implemented
The Maritime Administration (MarAd) issued a final rule implementing provisions of the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 and amending the definition of…
Notice on Hawaii & Alaska TWIC Implementation Issued
The US Coast Guard issued a notice stating that owners and operators of maritime facilities in Hawaii and Alaska must commence enforcement of the Transportation…
Gustav Reveals Gap in Marine Industry Preparations
According to the Gulf Intracoastal Canal Association, the Coast Guard, Corps of Engineers and inland barge industry have collaborated extensively since the 2005…
This Day in Naval History - Sept. 29
1944 - USS Narwhal (SS 167) evacuates 81 Allied prisoners of war that survived the sinking of Japanese Shinyo Maru from Sindangan Bay, Mindanao. 1946 -Lockheed P2V Neptune…
USS Wasp Undocks Ahead of Schedule
USS Wasp (LHD 1), in Norfolk Naval Shipyard (NNSY) for an eight-month docking phased maintenance availability (DPMA), undocked Sept. 18, one day ahead of schedule.
NAVSEA Continues Hurricane Ike Relief Efforts
Supervisor of Salvage and Diving (SUPSALV), a directorate of the Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA) in Washington D.C. cleared the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway (GIWW) near Galveston…
Aker Philly Shipyard Build Methodologies Confirmed in Court Decision
In a decision filed by the U.S. District Court of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania has upheld the United States Coast Guard interpretation of the Jones Act as…
GL Signs Multi-Purpose-Vessels in Bangladesh

Two 7,250 dwt multi-purpose-vessels are the latest addition to the orderbook of classification society Germanischer Lloyd. The ships will be built at Ananda Shipyard in Bangladesh for German shipowners Komrowski and Herrmann Lohmann Schiffahrt. Germanischer Lloyd Member of the Executive Board Dr Hermann J. Klein and Ananda Shipyard’s Managing Director Mrs. Afruja Bari signed the agreement at SMM in Hamburg. The two multi-purpose-vessels belong to a series of ten.
Cummings Issues Statement on Deepwater
Mr. As Chairman of the Subcommittee on Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation, I rise today in strong support of H.R. 6999, the Integrated Deepwater Program Reform Act of 2008.